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Weed of the Month: Canada Thistle

Canada Thistle, Cirsium arvense, may be the cleverest weed West of the Mississippi. It boasts a long list of weedy characteristics, including: Perennial growth habit, Ability to reproduce from creeping rhizomes (underground stems that creep out laterally in all directions), An abundance of wind-dispersed seeds that are also long-lived (up to 22 years!), Spiny leaves that are avoided by wildlife and most livestock, Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions. And worst of all, roots that penetrate anywhere from 6 – 15 feet deep, sequestering nutrients that allow Canada Thistle to recover from any attempts to control it at the surface. To outsmart a weed like this, one must get to know it intimately and discover and exploit its weakness.

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Weed of the Month: Black Henbane

Black Henbane, otherwise known as Hogbean, Devil’s Eyes, and Stinking Nightshade, is an invasive plant that is also highly toxic. Its presence is widespread throughout the United States and here in Wyoming. This coarse and sticky plant can be most commonly found next to fence rows, bordering pastures, and along roadsides. It’s harmful to animals, humans, and the ecosystem as a whole.

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Integrated Pest Management Services for Ranchers

The summer season is here, and we have already been hard at work conducting integrated pest and mosquito management! Did you know that our team provides a variety of resources and services to support the community and ranchers in reducing populations of mosquitoes and the risk of mosquito-borne diseases?

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Partner With Us For PlayCleanGo Week!

PlayCleanGo week is back from June 1st - June 8th this year! Together, we can celebrate the ways we can each make a difference in preserving our public lands, national parks, forests, rivers, lakes, and waterways.

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Citizen Scientists Needed!

Anyone can become a Citizen Scientist, regardless of age or background. It only requires time, curiosity, and a sense of wonder. Citizen Science empowers people from diverse backgrounds to actively participate in scientific research by collecting data, which accelerates problem-solving efforts and enhances the speed at which scientists can reach conclusions. For example, Citizen Science is particularly helpful for research on ticks, as both ticks and tick-borne diseases are underreported in Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain region. Together, we can change that.

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April is Native Plant Month

At Teton County Weed & Pest, we share a lot of information about invasive plants and insects. During April, Native Plant Month, we thought we’d switch things up and give native plants the attention they deserve. After all, they are an imperative part of the ecosystem that we work so hard to protect, and understanding the importance of native plants is crucial to our efforts.

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Tick Bite Prevention Week

TCWP urges residents and visitors to take steps to avoid tick bites and tick-borne diseases in recognition of Tick Bite Prevention Week.

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Welcome to NISAW 2024

National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) is an annual event organized by the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) as an international initiative that aims to raise awareness about the urgent issue of invasive species and the threats they pose to ecosystems worldwide. This year, the event takes place from February 26 to March 3, 2024. Join TCWP on social media as we leverage this opportunity to educate and mitigate the spread of invasive species.

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PlayCleanGo With Winter Sports in Jackson Hole

The winter season is in full swing here in Jackson Hole! While the scenic backdrop is the reason so many come to our destination town during the colder months, many don’t know the significant ecological risk that comes into play when spending time outdoors. Even with sub-zero temperatures, invasive species can still find their way around the region. Read some top tips to #PlayCleanGo and #RecreateResponsibly while enjoying winter sports this year while in the Tetons!

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2023 End of Year Report

Teton County Invasive Species met their match in 2023 with our committed team! All members of our team worked tirelessly in the field, on the Snake River, in the classroom, with community outreach programs, at your homes and properties, and coordinated with volunteers and partner organizations. That is a LOT of work! Enjoy highlights from our 2023 Year End Report and read the report in full from the download link above.

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