Meet our Team, Jeremy Heyner


Right as our busy season started ramping up, Jeremy Heyner joined our team as the newest full-time staff. He’s the new face you’ll see when you walk through our doors and the voice you’ll hear if you need to give us a call. 

Need to borrow a backpack sprayer? Jeremy’s your guy. Need to buy some herbicide for the thistle that’s getting out of control in your backyard? Jeremy’s your guy. Have a weed or pest issue and you don’t know where to start? Jeremy’s your guy.

Here’s a quick Q&A to get to know him. 

Q- When did you start working at TCWP?

A- I started working at TCWP in April of 2023!

Q - Why did you want to work at TCWP?

A -  I wanted to work at TCWP because I care about the beautiful area we have the privilege of living in—and want to do my part in making sure we take care of it as a community. What better way to do that than working at TCWP!

Q- What’s your role at TCWP? What does your day to day look like?

A- My role at TCWP is the Program Assistant. My day to day can vary pretty heavily but a normal day during the busy season has me selling herbicide to customers, answering various questions people may have about invasive weeds, and assisting my co-workers with anything they may need for their respective programs.

Q - How have the first few weeks on the job been?

A - The crew here at TCWP have made my first few weeks on the job some of the best weeks of work I’ve had in quite some time. They have all been so welcoming, supportive and very helpful in dealing with all the questions I’ve had.

Q - What did you do before this? 

A -  I graduated from Saint Michael’s College in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Policy. Upon graduating, I moved to Jackson in the Fall of 2016 for a winter, but that plan changed once I lived in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Before TCWP I was a Lift Maintenance Technician at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort for about 4 years.

Q - Least favorite weed and why?

A – My least favorite weed would be Oxeye Daisy. It’s a tough one to get people to want to eradicate because they think it’s quite pretty and that can be a challenge.

Q - What are your hopes and dreams for Teton County in the future?

A – I hope that Teton County will become a place where everyone can make a livable wage and housing isn’t such a huge problem for the workforce that make our community what it is!

Q - Hobbies?

A – Skiing, Golfing, Backpacking, and Hanging out with my animals at home.

Q - What are you thankful for?

A -  I’m thankful for good health, my friends and family, and having a stable housing situation.

Q - What do you hope to accomplish in the future at TCWP?

A – I hope to be good enough at my job that I get to stick around here for a while!

Q - What unique attributes do you bring to the TCWP team?

A – I believe I bring a positive attitude, a good sense of humor, and a strong work ethic to the TCWP team!

If you stop into the office anytime soon, be sure to meet Jeremy and give him a warm welcome!