PlayCleanGo Partner: Scenic Safaris & Mad River Trips


Teton County Weed and Pest District wants to applaud the efforts of our PlayCleanGo partners in the valley. PlayCleanGo: Stop Invasive Species In Your Tracks® is a nationwide outreach campaign made up of passionate outdoor enthusiasts (individuals and businesses) working tirelessly to protect our natural resources.

We are proud to feature Scenic Safaris & Mad River Trips for our first PCG partnership and the efforts they take to practice these principles in their wildlife adventure tours and rafting trips in the summer.

1. Why did you decide to become a PlayCleanGo partner? 
From a company’s perspective though keeping a wrap on potential invasive species is important to us. If we do not manage the potential then the problem will manage itself which is the most undesirable for everyone from company, employee, local enthusiasts and our guests. We are just doing a component with keeping our machines cleaned thoroughly after each use.

2. How do you advocate for PlayCleanGo practices through your company? 
We could do a better job talking about it to our employees for sure. Our belief is in our daily practice of operations which allows us to know its being done very thoroughly. 

3. What invasive species do people need to be especially aware of in Jackson? 
Unfortunately we have noxious weeds as well as the aquatic invasive in the valley. We have more potential threats in the region (ie the zebra mussel.)  We focus on both terrestrial and aquatic inspections and cleaning, for noxious weeds we wash all overland vehicles after each use, especially when traveling off the tarmac.  Our rafting operation gets inspected regularly by our staff as well as the AIS staff where we register our boats as every other boat owner to comply with those regulations.

4. What do you think is the best way to spread awareness to friends and family members about the detriment invasive species pose to society?
My opinion is that they must be able to see visually what the problem looks like and have the compassion to feel that the effort is warranted to where they themselves want to take action. I feel like this is a tall task. 

5. Do you share PlayCleanGo practices with visitors to Jackson and GTNP? If yes, how do you do that? 
Something that we could do a better job with as a company. We do have educated staff that know of these issues in our community and even deal with them at their homes. We do not have our staff do a presentation on this with clients at the moment, but I know that it is a topic of conversation with customers because it was a topic discussed often when I guided day to day. 

Considering becoming a PlayCleanGo Partner? 

What if every outdoor enthusiast were provided with the tools to Stop Invasive Species in their Tracks? Could we stop them? We think so. We have 550+ partner organizations already, representing thousands of individuals who believe we can do it too.

Join forces with like-minded individuals, organizations, and businesses across North America. Become a PlayCleanGo partner now!