Partner With Us For PlayCleanGo Week!
PlayCleanGo week is back from June 1st - June 8th this year! Together, we can celebrate the ways we can each make a difference in preserving our public lands, national parks, forests, rivers, lakes, and waterways.
Why Celebrate PlayCleanGo Week?
The PlayCleanGo campaign works tirelessly to advocate for North America’s lands and waters by empowering outdoor recreationists to take an active role in preventing the spread of invasive species to new areas, by thoroughly cleaning off mud and debris from gear, clothing, shoes, and tires, and pets before and after activities.
Every day this week we will be sharing content on the different ways those who love the outdoors can participate in PlayCleanGo to protect the natural environment for everyone to enjoy for generations to come!

Are Invasive Species Even a Big Deal?
Invasive species cost the US economy more than $21 billion per year, and the cost is mounting. Did you know invasive species are spread the fastest by human activity? Everything from trade, travel, and recreation can spread invasives quickly.
Established invasive species carry a significant threat to our native plant and animal communities and are a significant priority with natural resource management. With no predators, invasive species rapidly spread, increase in population size, and wreak havoc on local infrastructure systems. Invasive species can crowd out native plants, destroy biodiversity, and permanently alter habitats and wildlife forage.

#RecreateResponsibly and Remember to PlayCleanGo!
Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park play host to tourists from around the world on our national park and public land. Dispersed PlayCleanGo messaging along trailheads and at recreation locations educates visitors on how each of us can take a moment to protect our environment by brushing off dirt and mud to support the long-term health of our local ecosystem. The long-term impact of encouraging and motivating all recreationists to PlayCleanGo after time outdoors will reap benefits for years to come and the efforts compound the more people we can rally to join the cause.
The top ways to PlayCleanGo when outdoors include:
- Use a bootbrush to brush the soles of your shoes and tires off of recreation vehicles and bicycles (See bootbrush locator found at many trailheads:
- Clean, Drain, and Dry boats, kayaks, and canoes after time on water to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species
- Be mindful to only purchase native plants from local well-established nurseries
- Brush off dirt and remove seeds and burs from horses and dog paw pads
- Only use locally certified firewood to prevent wood-boring insects from entering new areas
PlayCleanGo Giveaway
Help the Teton County Weed & Pest District spread the word about responsible recreation practices by showing your followers how you PlayCleanGo when spending time outdoors. Help us capture the PlayCleanGo theme of “Real Stories, Real People” and show how you are committed to and inspire positive change to help protect outdoor spaces.
Tag our team @tetonweedpest on social media this month with the #TetonWeedPest and #PlayCleanGo hashtags to take part in a giveaway for a swag bag of Teton County Weed & Pest gear!
Thank you for helping our team spread the word on protecting our shared ecosystem in the Greater Yellowstone.
Also, we urge you to take an extra stand by taking the pledge to PlayCleanGo!
Take the pledge now: